Lifestyle Miscellaneous

A summer of smiles

May 19, 2014
Smiley Woman

This month, we’re encouraging you lovely ladies to get smiling. Summer’s almost here, and what better time to show off those pearly whites.

Following on from our recent post about National Smile Month, we really want to push the importance of smiling. According to experts, there’s a number of health benefits associated with smiling. From improving your mood to relieving stress, it’s not just a pretty face. And we’re here to prove it.

Smiley Woman

Smiling… reduces stress

When you smile, you’re generally in a good mood. And this in turn has an amazing effect on your health – more than you realise! Laughing releases endorphins, happy hormones that are a natural stress reliever[1]. It proves that smiling is essential to healthy living – much needed bursts of energy to get you through the 9 to 5.

And that’s not all. Lots of laughing can also help the lungs and boost immunity. The benefits are endless, so start smiling!

Smiling… makes you more attractive

Everybody appreciates a good smile. It tells the world you’re a happy person and makes you more approachable. You’ll never find smiley people short of friends. They give positive vibes, and it’s attractive.

A pretty smile is the perfect finishing touch to an outfit.  Whilst a sweet Shift Dress  and heels can work wonders, smiling adds that extra confidence.

Smiling Shift Dress

Shift Dress

Something to smile about

There are lots of other lovely things to smile about this summer. Follow NetDoctor’s advice and do something you love.

  • Surround yourself with people that make you feel good about yourself; friends and family that cheer you up. Reminisce with old friends or head out for drinks with the girls – fun filled evenings always promise a giggle or two.


  • Treat yourself! Why not curl up and relax to your favourite film? A good comedy is guaranteed to have you smiling.


  • Force yourself to smile – fake smiles soon turn genuine. Dr Madan Kataria was such a strong believer in ‘faking it till you make it’ that he coined Laughter Yoga; an activity that encourages people to laugh for no reason.  Give it a go; it’ll definitely bring a smile to your face.


What are you smiling about this summer? We’d love you hear your smiling stories 🙂