
Home Exercises you Can Do Anytime

September 18, 2020

We’re all guilty sometimes of being a bit neglectful when it comes to regular gym sessions. Work schedules and our social lives often take precedence, but that’s where at-home exercises can really come into their own.

Here at Curvissa we’ve put together some of our favourite exercises to do at home for a healthy body and mind. All you’ll need is a mat and a great workout playlist – no equipment required. So don your sportswear, grab your water bottle, and let’s get moving!

Top tip: want to keep track of your fitness levels and progress towards hitting your goals? Add a FitBit to your Christmas wish list!



Let’s start with a classic. Push-ups are great for building upper body strength by working the pectoral muscles, triceps, and shoulders. They give your legs and abs a good workout too! Why do we love push-ups? They’re fast, uncomplicated, and, when done correctly, give your body a real workout.

How to do a push-up

If you’re new to push-ups, here’s how to do one:

  1. Go down on all fours and place your hands on the floor, slightly wider than your shoulders
  2. Straighten your arms and legs, so you’re in a high plank position
  3. Using your arms, lower your body, so your chest is almost touching the floor
  4. Hold for a second, before pushing yourself back up
  5. Repeat



Holding a plank can be a challenge for beginners, but it’s a great way to give your whole body a workout. Planking helps increase your core strength, as well as working your abdominal muscles and pelvic girdle.

How to do a plank

  1. Get onto all fours and place your weight on your forearms either side of your head
  2. Lift your knees up so that only your feet and forearms are touching the ground, and press your weight into your elbows
  3. Squeeze your quad and glute muscles
  4. Hold for 30 seconds, rest and repeat.



Burpees are a great ‘all-rounder’ exercise as they work your legs, glutes, arms, back, and chest. They can take a bit of getting used to, and you definitely need an exercise mat, but once you do a couple, you’ll easily be able to incorporate them into your exercise routine.

How to do a burpee

  1. Stand with your feet about a shoulder’s width apart, with your arms by your sides
  2. Lower your body into a squat by bending your knees
  3. Place your hands on the floor in front of you, and shift your weight into your hands
  4. Jump your feet back so you’re in a plank position. Your body should be in a straight line
  5. Jump your feet forward so they’re just outside of your hands
  6. Put your hands up and jump into the air
  7. Once you land, go immediately into a squat position
  8. Repeat



Lunges are a great exercise to do at home as they help strengthen that all-important core. If you’re new to lunges, here’s how to do one:

How to do a lunge

  1. Stand with your feet a few inches apart
  2. Take a long step forward with your right leg
  3. Lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the floor, and your left knee is almost on the floor
  4. Push back from your right heel to push back into the starting position
  5. Repeat by stepping forward onto your left leg


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